CAMS USER WORKSHOP Iceland as a part of the 8th HLD Workshop on 14. 2. 2024 from 13.00 welcomes everybody to join. Your opinion on needs of air pollution products in Iceland is highly appreciated.
Agenda to the 8th HLD Workshop is here
CAMS Workshop Iceland recordings are available here:

Link to this event on Facebook CAMS USER WORKSHOP ICELAND
We kindly ask the Workshop attendees and Air Quality stakeholders/researchers in Iceland to fill an important 3-min short survey about AQ monitoring needs in Iceland before the Workshop. Thank you!
Participants/Icelandic stakeholders are also encouraged to insert their short opinions on what are the specific needs of CAMS services in Iceland as well as what are the most crucial air pollutants we need to monitor in Iceland in to this simple online board: https://miro.com/app/board/uXjVNwCC-1k=/