Latest Past Events

Copernicus Atmosphere Workshop 2024

University of Iceland, Lögberg L102 Sæmundargata 8, Reykjavík

The Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service (CAMS) Workshop will cover atmospheric phenomena like dust storms, air quality assessments, and climate monitoring. This hands-on session will focus on using CAMS data and tools to assess air quality and track atmospheric changes relevant to Iceland.


Copernicus Marine Workshop 2024

University of Iceland, Veröld - House of Vigdís VHV-008 Brynjólfsgata 1, Reykjavík

The Copernicus Marine Service Workshop will introduce participants to marine data and tools to monitor Iceland’s ocean ecosystems. This hands-on session will cover marine heatwave tracking, sea ice monitoring, and other applications using the Copernicus Marine Services.

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