The 7th HLD Workshop will take place in Reykjavik on 14-15 February 2023 and will be hybrid including online talks. The overarching aims of this interdisciplinary workshop are to introduce results from HLD field measurements, processes leading to dust suspension, identification and mapping of HLD sources, long-range transport of HLD as well as of Saharan dust towards the Arctic and related impacts on cryosphere and clouds, and role of aerosols in high latitude environments.

This workshop is to review our understanding of soil properties and processes leading to dust emission, as well as effects of high latitude dust and other aerosols in the past, present and future, to identify research needs. Focus is given on in situ measurements from active dust sources at high latitudes.
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HLD Workshop Agenda (13th Feb 2023, given in Icelandic time = GMT)
We thank all the participants for the successful Workshop, and we look forward to the next 8th HLD Workshop on 12th-13th February 2024!
Alexander Baklanov: Arctic dust and aerosols: sources, multi-scale modelling, impacts and mitigations
World Meteorological Organization and University of Copenhagen, Denmark, on site
Arnold Downey: Mineral Dust in the Ä’äy Chù Valley, Yukon: An assessment of size distribution characteristics and potentially toxic elements
Université de Montréal, Canada, on site
Ratko Ristić and Dragana Đorđević: Will CO2 reduction concept increase atmospheric dust contribution?
University of Belgrade, Serbia, on site
Claudia di Biagio: High versus low latitude dust optical properties in the infrared spectral range
Ágústa Helgadóttir: Monitoring of aeolian deposition from Hálslón reservoir, NE Iceland
Soil Conservation Service of Iceland, on site
Blanca Astray: Tracing sources of pollution using stable Pb isotopes; a case study in three Arctic localities
Czech University of Life Sciences, Czech Republic, on site
Christian Juncher Jørgensen: Long-term continuous monitoring of mineral dust in Kangerlussuaq, West Greenland
Aarhus University, Denmark
Adam Kristensson: Measurements of multiple dust sources in the Scandinavian atmosphere
Lund University, Sweden
Mark Tarn: Measurements of ice-nucleating particles in the Labrador Sea region
University of Leeds, UK
Clarissa Baldo: Optical properties of Icelandic dust in the shortwave spectrum
University of Birmingham, UK
Ross Herbert: Simulating ice nucleating particles in the Arctic using the Met Office UM-UKCA model
ICAS, University of Leeds, UK
Konrad Kandler, Kerstin Schepanski and HiLDA team: Distributed dust and meteorological measurements on Dyngjusandur during the HiLDA 2021 summer campaign: first insights on diurnal behavior and spatial connections
Technische Universität Darmstadt and Berlin University, Germany
Jesús Yus-Díez: Multi-wavelength optical properties of mineral dust in Dyngjusandur during the 2021 FRAGMENT-HiLDA summer campaign
University of Nova Gorica, Slovenija, IDAEA-CSIC, Spain and Universitat de Barcelona, Spain
Biagio Di Mauro: Local sources versus long-range transported dust in Svalbard
Institute of Polar Sciences, National Research Council, Italy
Georgy Varga: Saharan dust transport towards high latitudes
Geographical Institute, Research Centre for Astronomy and Earth Sciences, Hungary
Keyvan Ranjbar:: Preliminary analysis of a Saharan dust event over Houston during the ESCAPE campaign
Flight Research Laboratory, National Research Council Canada
Daniel Bellamy: Modelling mineral dust emissions from Canadian proglacial valleys
Université de Montréal, Canada
Cristina Gonzalez Florez: Comparison of emitted dust size distributions from field campaigns in Morocco and Iceland
Barcelona Supercomputing Center, Spain
Outi Meinander: Newly identified climatically and environmentally significant high latitude dust sources
Finnish Meteorological Institute, Finland
Seyed Ali Sayedain: Identification & optical analysis of Lhù’ààn Mân’ (Kluane Lake, Yukon) HLD plumes using AERONET and lidar measurements supported by surface microphysics retrievals
Université de Sherbrooke, Canada
Marcin Hojan: Can dust storms from Poland reach high latitudes?
Kazimierz Wielki University, Poland
Andri Gunnarsson: Impacts of Light Absorbing Particles on Vatnajökull during the summer 2022: Impacts on mass balance and runoff
National Power Company of Iceland, Iceland, remote
Tamar Richards-Thomas: Volcaniclastic Dust Emission and Dispersion Initiated by Water Droplet Impact
Keyano College, Canada
Jan Kavan: Topography controls spatial pattern of HLD deposition, James Ross Island, Antarctica
Masaryk University, Czechia and University of Wroclaw, Poland
Ellie Fisher: Investigating Optical Characteristics of Atmospheric Aerosols in a High Arctic Environment: Villum Research Station, NE Greenland
Agricultural University of Iceland and University of Helsinki, Finland
Alexander Baklanov:: WMO SDS-WAS and UN Coalition on Combating Sand/Dust Storms activities and strategy (with focus on HLD)
World Meteorological Organization and University of Copenhagen, Denmark, on site
- Observing effects and extremes of HLD
- Sources of HLD
- Modelling and forecasting of HLD
- Satellite detection of HLD
- HLD and climate change
- Relevance of HLD for society/users
- Arctic aerosols and air pollution – Black carbon, firework emissions, microplastics, etc.