High Latitude Dust Workshop 2024

In-situ measurements, remote sensing, modeling, long-range transport, and impacts of HLD and low latitude dust in the Arctic, emphasizing CAMS User engagement in Iceland.

The 8th HLD Workshop with CAMS session was held in Reykjavik on 14-15 February 2024 and focused on in-situ measurements, remote sensing, modelling, long-range transport, impacts of HLD and low latitude dust in the Arctic, and CAMS User engagement in Iceland/Arctic.
It was organized by the Agricultural University of Iceland in Reykjavik, the ICEDUST Association, Finish Meteorological Institute, Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland, National Land Survey of Iceland, Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service (CAMS), UArctic Thematic Network on HLD, Czech University of Life Sciences, Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE), University of Belgrade, and Republic Hydrometeorological Service of Serbia.

Scientists from 12 countries contributed 33 presentations and posters on current research on all aspects of HLD and other aerosols to the hybrid Workshop this year. Over 65 attendees from 17 countries followed the event during both days. Current research on all aspects of dust and aerosols and their sources in the Polar Regions was introduced. Topics such as HLD in Canada, Iceland, Svalbard, Greenland, and Antarctica, HLD in the global dust networks and research initiatives, Saharan dust in the Arctic, light absorbing particles impacts on cryosphere, history of HLD research, remote sensing and modelling of HLD, HLD long range transport, HL ice-nucleating particles, and laboratory measurements and optical properties of HLD were presented.

In addition, the Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service (CAMS) User engagement session in Iceland opened multidisciplinary discussions and approaches on aerosol and air pollution environmental issues, monitoring and available forecasts/products in Iceland with experts from the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF), World Meteorological Organization Sand and Dust Storm Warning Advisory and Assessment System (WMO SDS WAS) and Finish Meteorological Institute (FMI). An additional meeting of on-site members of the UArctic Thematic Network on HLD was also organized.


Day 1

  • Session 1
  • Session 2
  • Session 3
  • UArctic
Observations of HLD around the world

Chair: Pavla Dagsson-Waldhauserova
10:00 – 11:55 (GMT)

Impacts of HLD on cryosphere and human health

Chair: Outi Meinander
12:45-14:00 (GMT)

HLD history and networking / Vertical and horizontal transport of HLD

Chair: Daniel Bellamy and Outi Meinander
14:00-15:45 (GMT)

Open meeting of the UArctic

Thematic Network on HLD. Discussions on HLD research strategy, networking and funding

Day 2

  • Session 4
  • CAMS Session
HLD modelling and in-situ measurements of dust and gases

Chair: Pavla Dagsson-Waldhauserova and Outi Meinander
10:00-11:55 (GMT)

CAMS User Workshop Iceland

Chair: Ann-Mari Fjæraa and Pavla Dagsson-Waldhauserova
13:00-16:30 (GMT)

1: Overview of the Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service CAMS
2: Use of CAMS data

Example show cases, needs in Iceland and other EU member states

3: Discussion
  • To start, collection of written input (on-site: cards / online: miro board)
  • Specific feedback and user needs for CAMS from Iceland
  • How can CAMS help for Iceland environmental tasks?
  • Which specifics need to be taken into account in Iceland?
  • Invitation for 3-5 interviews / detailed iteration on user needs (T. Popp /DLR)
  • Conclusions of the workshop (P. Dagsson-Waldhauserova / AUI and M. Hrabalíková /LMI, T. Popp / DLR)

Final Agenda

12 Feb 2024, times in GMT – Icelandic time

CAMS Survey

CAMS National Collaboration Programme

Full recording

Full recording of the workshop

We thank all the participants for the successful Workshop, and we look forward to the next 9th HLD Workshop on 12th-13th February 2025!

Organizers and partners:

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